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Cuneiform cone


Lat / Long 34.55536816780458,43.45958057430539 [click for map]
Alternate Number: 21198/zz001spg1g (UCLA CDLI ARK)
Object Type:archaeology
Object Count:1
Department:Asia (except western Russia)
Collection Place:Mesopotamia
Collection Place (verbatim):Said to come from Khum nearr Fara
Ethnographic File Code: 7.1 Writing and Records (including religious texts)
Culture or Time period: Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000–1900 BC)
Collector: Henry Ludwig Frederick Lutz
Description:Inscribed head of cuneiform cone; diameter 10.5 cm; clay. Inscription on top of head: 1. ᵈsùd 2. nin-a-ni-ir 3. ᵈen-líl-ba-ni 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal ì-si-in-na.KI-ke₄ 6. é-dim-gal-an-na 7. é-ki-ág-gá-ni 8. mu-na-dù An inscription known from two cones (the other being IM 79940) that deals with Enlil-bāni's construction of the temple of the goddess Sud, tutelary diety of Šuruppak.
Object Class:
  • Clay nails (information artifacts)
  • Cuneiform (script)
Materials: Clay
Inscription: surface a 1. {d}sud3 2. nin-a-ni-ir 3. {d}en-lil2-ba-ni 4. lugal kal-ga 5. lugal i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4 6. e2-dim-gal-an-na 7. e2 ki-ag2-ga2-ni 8. mu-na-du3
Collection Date:before 1930
Accession Number: Acc.649
Accession Date: 1930
Acquisition Date: May 39, 1930
Donor: Alfred Kohlberg

Catalog Card:
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