Model male figure fragment
Lat / Long | 26.350332989629365,31.92045220549076 [click for map] |
Alternate Number: | 69 (field number) |
Object Type: | archaeology |
Object Count: | 1 |
Department: | Ancient Egypt |
Collection Place: | Tomb 69, Cemetery 100, Naga-ed-Der |
Collection Place (verbatim): | Naga-ed Der N |
Culture or Time period: |
Collector: | George Andrew Reisner |
Description: | Wooden arm and hand; statue, male, right arm; length 32 cm. |
Context of Use: | Tomb model |
Object Class: |
Dimensions: | length 32 centimeters |
Materials: |
Comment: | Dynasties 6-8 |
Collection Date: | 1901 |
Accession Number: | Acc.54/56/63/107 |
Donor: | Phoebe Apperson Hearst |
Catalog Card: |