49 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1517038Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1664081Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannAustralia
UC1664082Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1664083Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannAustralia
UC1664084Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1664085Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1664086Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannSouth Africa
UC1664087Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannAustralia
UC1664088Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris7 October 198975186CochiseArizonaUnited StatesOn moist, diffusely lit base of Cupressus in Pinus ponderosa, Platanus, Pseudotsuga and Cupressus forest in Rucker Canyon at Cypress Campground near Rucker Lake,
UC1664089Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannAustralia
UC1664090Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannTasmaniaAustralia
UC1664091Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannSouth Africa
UC1664092Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1664093Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1664094Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris31 January 197952539ButteCaliforniaUnited StatesOn fairly moist, diffusely lit trunk of palm in park with planted trees in City Square of Gridley.
UC1670988Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris26 February 199277693EddyNew MexicoUnited StatesOn moist, rather shaded base of Quercus on south-facing slope in open Prosopis scrub in limestone canyon along canyon about 1 mile north of parking area for Sitting Bull Falls.
UC1710130Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1710131Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1710132Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1710133Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1724171Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris4 March 197748230SolanoCaliforniaUnited StatesOn fairly moist, diffusely lit bark of Ulmus on campus of the University of California at Davis.
UC1730660Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1737667Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris26 February 199277690EddyNew MexicoUnited StatesOn temporarily moist, diffusely lit boulder on south-facing slope in open Prosopis scrub in limestone canyon along canyon about 1 mile north of parking area for Sitting Bull Falls.
UC1739968Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1751850Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1755563Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannAustralia
UC1756738Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris6 October 198975144CochiseArizonaUnited StatesOn moist, diffusely lit bark of Quercus in Juniperus, Quercus, Populus, and Pinus ponderosa forest in Cottonwood Canyon, Rucker Canyon Road about 2 miles south of road to Rucker Lake,
UC1757399Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris20 February 2001100876San Luis ObispoCaliforniaUnited StatesOn moist, diffusely lit bark of Quercus douglasii in open savannah of Quercus douglasii along Tower Road near west edge of Camp Roberts Military Reservation.
UC1757413Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris3 February 199584723ShastaCaliforniaUnited StatesOn moist, diffusely vertical face of lava outcrop in Juniperus, Pinus sabiniana, and Quercus forest on steep west-facing bluffs along Cassel-Fall River road about 2 miles S of Fall River Mills.
UC1757527Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris22 February 2001100974San Luis ObispoCaliforniaUnited StatesOn fairly moist, diffusely lit bark of Umbellularia in open serpentine barrens on north shore of Chorro Reservoir northwest of San Luis Obispo in Camp San Luis Obispo Military Reservation.
UC1757631Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris20 February 2001100877San Luis ObispoCaliforniaUnited StatesOn moist, diffusely lit bark of Quercus douglasii in open savannah of Quercus douglasii along Tower Road near west edge of Camp Roberts Military Reservation.
UC1798024Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1798029Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1868750Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1868751Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1914384Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1914421Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1914422Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1914423Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1914424Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1914425Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC1920993Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. AmannD. H. Norris, Jim Shevock16 August 2001102814SandovalNew MexicoUnited StatesOn moist, diffusely lit bark of Quercus in Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii forest along intermittent stream below meadow along Hwy. 4 just west of milepost 38 in Valles Caldera region about 5 miles west of Bandelier National Monument boundary, Jemez Ranger District of Cibola National Forest
UC199869Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC266218Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC42631 DUP01234Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC427275Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC427528Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC427842Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann
UC527023Syntrichia pagorum (Milde) J.J. Amann

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