25 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1753722Sarcodia montagneanaMitsuo Kajimura1993-09-0871-2ShimaneJapanOki Islands, Tsudo
UC1753723Sarcodia montagneanaMitsuo Kajimura1992-06-0971-1ShimaneJapanOki Islands, Tsudo
UC1882717Sarcodia montagneanaHauckSri LankaCeylon
UC1882718Sarcodia montagneanaVictor W .Lindauer1942-12-05s.n.New ZealandMangonui
UC1882719Sarcodia montagneana1948-08-00New ZealandRussell, Bay of Islands
UC315247Sarcodia montagneana1925-07-00ChibaJapanTateyama, Awa, Chiba prefecture
UC408990Sarcodia montagneanaJ. M. Hildebrandt1873-03-0044SomaliaLasgori
UC418195Sarcodia montagneanaMisaki1928-04-23s.n.KanagawaJapanMisaki, Kanagawa prefecture
UC431098Sarcodia montagneanaS. Berggren1874-00-00s.n.New ZealandBay of Islands
UC555226Sarcodia montagneanaVictor W .Lindauer1936-07-21s.n.New ZealandRussell
UC555228Sarcodia montagneanaV. W. Lindauer1936-07-21s.n.New ZealandRussell
UC555229Sarcodia montagneanaV. W. Lindauer1936-07-01s.n.New ZealandLong Beach, Russell
UC624401Sarcodia montagneana1929-06-15BS 203aDenpasarBaliIndonesiaSanoer, Bali
UC624402Sarcodia montagneanaOie Yong Seng1929-30316aTabananBaliIndonesiaBali
UC624468Sarcodia montagneanaW. A. Setchell1929-05-26JP 599GarutWest JavaIndonesiaReef at Pameungpeuk, Java
UC706202Sarcodia montagneanaVictor W .Lindauer1942-05-12s.n.New ZealandMangonui, Northland
UC752844Sarcodia montagneanaS. Berggren1874-00-00s.n.New ZealandNew Zealand
UC920846Sarcodia montagneanaV. W. Lindauer1949-02-11s.n.New ZealandLong Beach, Russell, Bay of Islands
UC920847Sarcodia montagneanaV. W. Lindauer1949-02-11s.n.New ZealandLong Beach, Russell, Bay of Islands
UC920848Sarcodia montagneanaV. W. Lindauer1949-02-12s.n.New ZealandPaihia, Bay of Islands
UC920855Sarcodia montagneanaV. W. Lindauer1949-02-12s.n.New ZealandPaihia, Russell, Bay of Islands
UC920856Sarcodia montagneanaV. W. Lindauer1949-02-12s.n.New ZealandPaihia, Russell, Bay of Islands
UC924933Sarcodia montagneanaK. C. Fan1951-05-21153TaiwanKeelung
UC96257Sarcodia montagneanaR. M. LaingJan.s.n.New ZealandMongonui [Mangonui]
UC96258Sarcodia montagneanaW. A. Setchell1904-06-006087New ZealandIsland Bay, near Wellington

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