20 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1649692Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiCaliforniaUnited States
UC1649693Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris27 March 198056021TehamaCaliforniaUnited StatesOn moist, sunny rock in intermittent stream course in Quercus forest with Juniperus along Hwy. 36 about 2 miles west of Dales.
UC1649694Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris31 March 199277915ModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn fairly dry, diffusely lit boulder along stream in Juniperus and Artemisia woodland along Turner Creek near junction with Pit River about 4.5 miles west of Canby Bridge on Bushey Road west of Canby,
UC1649695Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiCaliforniaUnited States
UC1649696Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris27 September 199279167AModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn fairly moist, diffusely lit rocks at streamhead in old and large forest of Juniperus along Forest Service Rd. 46 at Boles Creek southeast of Clear Lake, Modoc National Forest.
UC1649697Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris3 February 199584738ModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn moist to submerged, rather sunny rocks in river in Pinus jeffreyi, and Quercus forest along road to Whitehorse Flat about 3 miles north of Day,
UC1649698Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris21 April 198368506 (numModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn moist to submerged sunny rock at head of brook in mixed conifer forest with scattered sedge meadows along Forest Service Road at YellowJacket Springs.
UC1649699Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris31 March 199277934ModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn temporarily moist, sunny lava boulder at headwaters of stream in Juniperus and Artemisia woodland with scattered Pinus jeffreyi along Hulbert Creek north of Cottonwood Flat Campground, Modoc National Forest west of Canby,
UC1649700Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris7 May 199381109HarneyOregonUnited StatesOn moist, occasionally submerged rather sunny boulder near stream bank in open Juniperus forest on lava rim rock at Page Creek Campground, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
UC1768053Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiCaliforniaUnited States
UC1768070Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiCaliforniaUnited States
UC1768536Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris7 July 199996157ModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn submerged, sunny rock in creek in deep and steep-walled canyon in grassland with scattered Pinus ponederosa and Juniperus along Boles Creek at Clear Lake Road, Modoc National Forest.
UC1768554Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris7 July 199996159ModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn seasonally moist, sunny boulder along creek in deep and steep-walled canyon in grassland with scattered Pinus ponederosa and Juniperus along Boles Creek at Clear Lake Road, Modoc National Forest.
UC1768568Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiCaliforniaUnited States
UC1774458Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris4 February 199584742LassenCaliforniaUnited StatesON moist to submerged, diffusely lit lava boulder in creek in Juniperus woodland along small creek west of Hwy. 395 about 1 mile south of Lassen-Modoc Co. Line. Modoc National Forest.
UC1774459Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris3 February 199584701ShastaCaliforniaUnited StatesOn temporarily moist, frequently submerged lava rocks in small stream in Juniperus, Pinus sabiniana, and Quercus forest on steep west-facing bluffs along Cassel-Fall River road about 2 miles S of Fall River Mills.
UC1774460Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiD. H. Norris7 March 199482582ModocCaliforniaUnited StatesOn temporarily moist, diffusely lit lava in intermittent stream in forest of Juniperus and Ceanothus which is waterlogged during winter, along road about 2 miles south of Double Head Mountain, Modoc National Forest.
UC1818350Orthotrichum euryphyllum Venturi
UC1919432Orthotrichum euryphyllum Venturi
UC1933798Orthotrichum euryphyllum VenturiCaliforniaUnited States
Scientific NameMajor GroupFamilyCollector(s)CountyStateCountry
Orthotrichum euryphyllum Venturi20
D. H. Norris12
United States18

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