90 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1105394Ochtodes secundirameaWilliam Randolph Taylor1956-04-2456-503JamaicaSoldiers Bay near Port Antonio, Portland Parish
UC1105497Ochtodes secundirameaWilliam Randolph Taylor1956-03-1256-138JamaicaSt. Catherine Parish, Port Henderson
UC1142709Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerMaurice A. Machris1957-2-1816281GalapagosEcuadoron Narborough Island opposite Tagus Cove
UC1273596Ochtodes secundirameaLuis R. Almodovar, V. M. Rosado1964-01-224987Puerto RicoUnited StatesYabucoa, El Negro
UC1273597Ochtodes secundirameaLuis R. Almodovar, V. M. Rosado1964-01-235001Puerto RicoUnited StatesHumacao, eastern shore, Cayo Santiago
UC1273899Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1962-06-02(FP-DB) 2017Puerto RicoUnited StatesPalmas Altas, Barceloneta, costa norte de Puerto Rico
UC1273900Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1963-06-08(FP-DB) 2347Puerto RicoUnited StatesLitoral finca Esperanza, Manatí
UC1362090Ochtodes secundirameaLuis R. Almodovar1966-08-245286Barbados
UC1450557Ochtodes secundirameafix2019 E. Ortiz, A. Ortiz1971-09-066768Puerto RicoUnited StatesHatillo, in back of Urbanización Hatillo del Mar
UC1456989Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1967-11-25DB-3049Puerto RicoUnited StatesPlaya Caracoles, Arecibo
UC1463466Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1977-05-033418Puerto RicoUnited StatesPlaya Esperanza, Manatí, north coast of Puerto Rico
UC1463467Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1968-11-2317682CuracaoNetherlandsBoca Canoa, north coast of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
UC1463468Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1968-11-2617851CuracaoNetherlandsBoca "Djegcoe," north coast of Curacao, Netherlands Antilles
UC1463469Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1968-11-2617874CuracaoNetherlandsBoca Masjalina, north coast of Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.
UC1463470Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1977-07-1018862Dominican RepublicNajayo, República Dominicana
UC1470378Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerMichael Karp1982-8-7GalapagosEcuadorFloreana (Santa Maria) I.
UC1497609Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1962-11-2816989Netherlands AntillesBoca Canoa, north coast of Curaçao
UC1497610Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1967-11-253582Puerto RicoUnited StatesPlaya Caracoles, Arecibo
UC1497631Ochtodes secundirameaC. W. Dodge, B. W. Dodge, W. S. Thomas1930-03-2015LimonCosta RicaPiuta Point 2 km northwest of Puerto Limon
UC1573488Ochtodes secundirameaHowell -old1932-03-24565ColimaMexicoSulphur Bay, Clarion Island, Revillagidedo Group
UC1862341Ochtodes crockeriJ. T. Howell -old1May 31 1932139EcuadorGalapogos. NE side of Narborough
UC1862347Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerJohn Thomas Howell -oldMay 31, 1932139EcuadorAt northeast side of Narborough Island, Galapagos.
UC1884301Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerW. R. Taylor1934-1-17-1934-1-30232GalapagosEcuadorBlack Beach Anchorage, Santa Maria I. (Charles or Floreana Id., Galapagos Islands)
UC1884302Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerW. R. Taylor1934-1-18260GalapagosEcuadorBlack Beach Anchorage, Santa Maria I. (Charles or Floreana Id., Galapagos Islands)
UC1884392Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerHowell -old1932-5-22967GalapagosEcuadorFive mi. NE. of Webb Cove, Albemarle Island, Galapagos Archipelago
UC1884393Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerW. R. Taylor1934-1-22329GalapagosEcuadorSouth Seymour Id. Galapagos Islands
UC1884394Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerW. R. Taylor1934-1-13129GalapagosEcuadorSouth of Banks Bay Isabela I. (Albemarle Id.) Galapagos Islands
UC1884395Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerE. Y. Dawson and C. Maxine Dawson1962-2-1922043GalapagosEcuadorAcademy Bay, Indefatigable (Santa Cruz) Island
UC1884397Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerE. Y. Dawson and C. Maxine Dawson1962-2-1222032GalapagosEcuadorAcademy Bay, Indefatigable (Santa Cruz) Island. Isla Coamano off Academy Bay
UC1884398Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerHowell -old1932-5-22395GalapagosEcuadorFive mi. NE. of Web Cove, Albemarle Is., Galapagos Archipelago
UC1884399Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerW. R. Taylor1934-1-13160GalapagosEcuadorTagus Cove, Isabela I. (Albemarle Id., Galapagos Ids.)
UC1884400Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerE. Y. Dawson and C. Maxine Dawson1962-2-1122217GalapagosEcuadorAcademy Bay, Indefatigable (Santa Cruz) Island
UC1884401Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerE. Y. Dawson and C. Maxine Dawson1962-2-2022016GalapagosEcuadorAcademy Bay, Indefatigable (Santa Cruz) Island
UC1884402Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerMaurice A. Machris1957-2-1816281GalapagosEcuadoron Narborough Island opposite Tagus Cove
UC1884403Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerMaurice A. Machris1957-2-1816282GalapagosEcuadoron Narborough Island opposite Tagus Cove
UC1884404Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerE. Y. Dawson and C. Maxine Dawson1962-2-2222231GalapagosEcuadorAcademy Bay, Indefatigable (Santa Cruz) Island
UC1884405Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerE. Y. Dawson1962-2-922290GalapagosEcuadorin front of Villamil, Isla Isabel.
UC1884406Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerHowell -old1932-6-2829GalapagosEcuadorSE. side of Narborough Is., Galapagos Archipelago
UC1884407Ochtodes crockeri Setchell & GardnerW. R. Taylor1934-1-17219GalapagosEcuadorBlack Beach Anchorage, Santa Maria I. (Charles or Floreana Id., Galapagos Islands)
UC1884408Ochtodes secundirameaCurtis, Jackson1954-02-07s.n.GuantanamoCubanear Philipps Beach
UC1884409Ochtodes secundirameaC. R. Orcutt1929-08-1410127Grand'AnseHaitiHaiti: Faux Cap.
UC1884410Ochtodes secundirameaE. Yale Dawson1949-05-177700Santiago de CubaCubaSantiago; 4 miles west of Siboney
UC1884411Ochtodes secundirameaE. Yale Dawson and W. Rudersdorf1962-07-0724096LimonCosta RicaPuerto Limon
UC1884412Ochtodes secundirameaM. Diaz-Piferrer1962-06-02DB 1812Puerto RicoUnited StatesPalmas Altas, Barceloneta, costa norte de Puerto Rico
UC1884413Ochtodes secundirameaE. Yale Dawson and W. Rudersdorf1962-06-2724003LimonCosta RicaPuerto Limon
UC1884414Ochtodes secundirameaE. Yale Dawson and W. Rudersdorf1962-07-1224187aLimonCosta RicaPortete, near Limon
UC1884415Ochtodes secundirameaWilliam Randolph Taylor1956-04-2456-503JamaicaSoldiers Bay near Port Antonio, Portland Parish
UC1884416Ochtodes secundirameaJ. Connor and D. N. Young1978-03-03s.n.Bay IslandsHondurasIsla Roatan
UC1884417Ochtodes secundirameaE. Yale Dawson and W. Rudersdorf1962-08-0324370LimonCosta RicaIsla Uvita
UC2052002Ochtodes secundirameaC. Bormet1908-00-00s.n.GuadeloupeGuadeloupe, West Indies

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