27 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1603170Laurencia johnstoniiJohn Isaacs1982-04-0111-6Baja California SurMexicoEast side of Punta Coyote, Bahia Concepcion
UC1603196Laurencia johnstoniiJohn Isaacs1982-03-307-4Baja California SurMexicoWest of Punta Perico, Isla Carmen
UC1854546Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1940-01-26203Baja CaliforniaMexicoPuerto Refugio, Isla Angel de la Guardia
UC1854547Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1949-03-116787Baja California SurMexicoCabeza Ballena
UC1854548Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1946-05-161996SonoraMexicoPunta Colorado
UC1854549Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1949-03-116787Baja California SurMexicoCabeza Ballena
UC1854550Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1940-07-18749-40SonoraMexicoIsla Turner, off Isla Tiburon
UC1854551Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale DawsonNovember 10-11, 19463454Baja California SurMexicoBahia de La Paz
UC1854552Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1952-06-0810940SinaloaMexicoPunta Prieta, outer Bahia Topolobampo
UC1854553Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1946-02-21970SonoraMexicoBahia Agua Dulce, Isla Tiburon
UC1854554Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1946-05-161709SonoraMexicoBahia Bocochibampo
UC1854555Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1946-04-111338Baja CaliforniaMexicoBahia de Los Angeles
UC1854556Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1940-07-18734-40SonoraMexicoTurner's Island off Tiburon Island
UC1854557Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale DawsonNovember 10-11, 19463452aBaja California SurMexicoBahia de La Paz
UC1854558Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1946-11-073292Baja California SurMexicoPunta Palmilla, near San Jose del Cabo
UC1854559Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1949-03-147004Baja California SurMexicoBahia San Gabriel, Espiritu Santo Island
UC1854560Laurencia johnstoniiJ. N. Norris1969-05-04368SonoraMexicoNorse Beach, Puerto Peñasco
UC1854561Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1946-02-12482SonoraMexicoSouth side of Bahia Bocochibampo
UC1854562Laurencia johnstoniiE. Yale Dawson1951-10-3110458Baja California SurMexicoCampito, 12 miles east of Punta San Eugenio on Bahia Vizcaino.
UC1983149Laurencia johnstoniiIvan M. Johnston1921-06-2330aBaja CaliforniaMexicoSan Francisquito Bay
UC2041513Laurencia johnstonii Setchell & GardnerI. M. JohnstonJune 21, 1921127Baja California SurMexicoSan Marcos Island, Gulf of California.
UC2041514Laurencia johnstonii Setchell & GardnerI. M. JohnstonJune 21, 1921127Baja California SurMexicoSan Marcos Island, Gulf of California.
UC2041783Laurencia johnstoniiJohn A. West1969-06-03567SonoraMexicoStation Beach, Puerto Peñasco
UC221083Laurencia johnstonii Setchell & GardnerI. M. JohnstonJune 21, 1921127Baja California SurMexicoSan Marcos Island, Gulf of California.
UC221084Laurencia johnstoniiIvan M. Johnston30aMexicoBahia San Francisquito
UC904571Laurencia johnstoniiTempleton Crocker1936-04-11s.n.Baja California SurMexicoInez Point, Inez Bay
UC910567Laurencia johnstoniiTempleton Crocker1936-04-11s.n.Baja California SurMexicoInez Point, Inez Bay

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