21 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1058837Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale DawsonJan. 30, 19496044San DiegoCaliforniaUnited StatesLa Jolla, Foot of Pearl Street
UC1058841Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1949-03-086716Baja California SurMexicoIsla Magdalena
UC1852235Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1946-11-093310Baja California SurMexicoCabeza Ballena, near Cabo San Lucas
UC1852236Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1946-12-083597SinaloaMexicoMazatlan
UC1852237Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1949-03-116761Baja California SurMexicoCabeza Ballena
UC1852238Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1958-04-2418721Baja California SurMexicoIsla Ildefonso
UC1852239Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale DawsonJan. 30, 19496044San DiegoCaliforniaUnited StatesLa Jolla, foot of Pearl street
UC1852240Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1949-03-086716Baja California SurMexicoIsla Magdalena
UC1852241Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1955-04-1413498ColimaMexicoIsla San Benedicto, Revilla Gigedo Archipelago
UC1852242Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1947-01-093775OaxacaMexicoSalina Cruz
UC1852243Grateloupia versicolorWilliam Randolph Taylor1934 2-3 March576GuerreroMexicoPetatlan Bay
UC1852244Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1947-01-103821OaxacaMexicoSalina Cruz
UC1852245Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1965-04-1713498ColimaMexicoIsla San Benedicto, Revilla Gigedo Archipelago
UC1852246Grateloupia versicolorE. Yale Dawson1947-02-023838GuerreroMexicoAcapulco
UC1852247Grateloupia versicolorWilliam Randolph Taylor1934 2-3 March573GuerreroMexicoPetatlan Bay
UC1883739Grateloupia versicolor var. prostrata DawsonE. Yale DawsonNov. 18 195312080ColimaMexicoIsla San Benedicto, Revilla Gigedo Archipelago
UC1884330Grateloupia versicolorE. Y. Dawson and C. Maxine Dawson1962-2-2021998GalapagosEcuadorAcademy Bay, Indefatigable (Santa Cruz) Island
UC1884331Grateloupia versicolorE. Y. Dawson and C. Maxine Dawson1962-3-822277GalapagosEcuadorAcademy Bay, Indefatigable (Santa Cruz) Island
UC2041789Grateloupia versicolorJ. A. West1971-03-26617SonoraMexicoStation Beach, Punta Penasco
UC2041790Grateloupia versicolorJ. A. West1971-03-26617SonoraMexicoStation Beach, Punta Penasco
UC694633Grateloupia versicolorWilliam Randolph Taylor2-3 March 1934573GuerreroMexicoPetatlan Bay

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