42 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1895969Cryptodiscus gloeocapsa (Arnold) Baloch, Gilenstam & WedinA. VezdaJuly 20 1958VysocinaCzech RepublicMoravia occid. - Telc, ad terram graniticam humosam muscosam sub montem Mrhatina prope pagum Lhotka
UC2038288Gloeocapsa crepidinumF. S. CollinsJuly 1896MaineUnited StatesEagle Island, Penobscot Bay
UC2038310Gloeocapsa magmaG. T. M.May 30 1896New HampshireUnited StatesPitmans Arch, North Conway
UC2038311Gloeocapsa magmaW. G. F.Sept. 1896VermontUnited StatesRifton Gorge
UC2059747Gloeocapsa opaca var. pellucidaNaegeli387SwitzerlandZurich
UC2059748Gloeocapsa gelatinosa var. aerugineaMeneghiniAbano
UC278346Gloeocapsa calcareaJ. E. TildenSept 15 1897WisconsinUnited StatesOsceola
UC401461Gloeocapsa sphaericaN. WilleMar. 4 19151482aPuerto Ricobetween Arecibo and Utuado
UC432914Gloeocapsa saxicolaWartmannDec. 21 1858SwitzerlandBernegg near St. Gallen
UC432929Gloeocapsa alpinaC. CramerJuly 1859SwitzerlandEngelberg, Kanton Unterwalden (=Obwalden)
UC433071Gloeocapsa nigrescens
UC463778Gloeocapsa quaternata var. majorN. WilleDec. 29 1914131aPuerto RicoSan Juan cemetary
UC760735Gloeocapsa reicheltiiH. ReicheltSep. 1890GermanyLeipzig: Beucha bei Brandis
UC763611Gloeocapsa calcareaJ. E. TildenSept 15 1897WisconsinUnited StatesOsceola
UC790340Gloeocapsa alpinaC. CramerJuly 1859SwitzerlandEngelberg, Kanton Unterwalden (=Obwalden)
UC790381Gloeocapsa amplaon floating Cladophora fracta
UC790383Gloeocapsa conglomerataAuf Jungermannia im Hartze
UC790384Gloeocapsa compactaFranceVire: Bretagne
UC790385Gloeocapsa botryoidesOctober 1839GermanyNordhausen
UC790386Gloeocapsa atrataSwitzerlandBern
UC790396Gloeocapsa quaternataFranceFalaise
UC790397Gloeocapsa gelatinosaItalyBattaglia
UC790403Gloeocapsa kuetzingianaNaegeli258
UC790404Gloeocapsa cryptococcoidesMeneghiniAbano
UC790407Gloeocapsa paleaFischer
UC790409Gloeocapsa ianthinaNaegeli299ItalyZurich
UC790412Gloeocapsa opacaNaegeli387SwitzerlandZurich
UC790413Gloeocapsa polydermaticaBrébissonFranceFalaise
UC790417Gloeocapsa sanguinolentaGermanyHarz Mountains
UC790420Gloeocapsa ambigua var. rivularisNaegeli365
UC790421Gloeocapsa muralisGermanyNordhausen
UC790423Gloeocapsa squamulosade Brebission531FranceFalaise
UC790424Gloeocapsa stillicidiorumMay 1839GermanyHarz Mountains
UC790447Gloeocapsa versicolorNaegeli108SwitzerlandZurich
UC790475Gloeocapsa monococcaItalyTrieste
UC790505Gloeocapsa violaceade Brebission452FranceParis
UC790506Gloeocapsa microphthalmaGermanyNordhausen
UC790507Gloeocapsa confluens
UC790510Gloeocapsa dermochroaNaegeli107SwitzerlandZurich
UC790512Gloeocapsa cryptococcaim Harzen
UC790513Gloeocapsa montanaThuringenGermanyNordhausen
UC791984Gloeocapsa purpureade BrebissionFranceArromanches (fide protologue)

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