18 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1821081Chaetophora incrassataE. Bornet1849-05-00s.n.
UC1821082Chaetophora incrassataF. S. Collins1890-05-08s.n.MiddlesexMassachusettsUnited StatesMiddlesex Fells
UC1821083Chaetophora incrassataI. Holden1890-12-0012755FairfieldConnecticutPequonnock River, Bridgeport
UC1821084Chaetophora incrassataI. Holden1890-11-16FairfieldConnecticutPequonnock River, Bridgeport
UC1821085Chaetophora incrassataHerbert Habeeb1948-07-0710347New BrunswickCanadaF. P. Baird's, Blue Bell, Victoria County, New Brunswick
UC1821086Chaetophora incrassataIsaac Holden1890-12-001330FairfieldConnecticutPequonnock River, Bridgeport
UC2037509Chaetophora incrassataHansgirg2386Central Bohemian RegionCzech RepublicBohemia, Hlavní město Praha, Aurinowes
UC2037510Chaetophora incrassataB. M. Duggar1894-06-01s.n.MiddlesexMassachusettsUnited StatesArlington
UC2037511Chaetophora incrassataZugings.n.Germany
UC2037512Chaetophora incrassata1883-05-08s.n.
UC2037513Chaetophora incrassataW. J.1889-08-00S.N.DaneWisconsinUnited StatesMadison, Wisconsin
UC636844Chaetophora incrassata1902-08-27s.n.DouglasWisconsinUnited StatesWest Superior Lake, Pokegama Bay
UC663602Chaetophora incrassataH. W. Clark, B. W. Evermann1904-09-28271MarshallIndianaUnited StatesOutles Bay
UC674403Chaetophora incrassataWilliam A. Daily, Fay K. Daily, Francis Drouet, E. R. Hupp, C. Mervin Palmer1942-08-16928MarionIndianaUnited StatesFall Creek at Keystone avenue, Indianapolis
UC693166Chaetophora incrassata1890-12-001330FairfieldConnecticutPequonnock River, Bridgeport
UC911763Chaetophora incrassataDonald J. Hankla1948-06-05s.n.IllinoisUnited StatesIn a stream which empties into Little Grassy Lake near Carbondale.
UC911768Chaetophora incrassataHerbert Habeeb1948-07-0710347New BrunswickCanadaBlue Bell, Victoria County, New Brunswick
UC911769Chaetophora incrassataPaul C. Standley1947-07-07s.nFrancisco MorazanHondurasDept. Morazán: Piedra Herreda, lower slopes of Cerro de Uyuca, 1500 - 1650 m.

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