53 items found.

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Specimen IDScientific NameCollector(s) (verbatim)Date CollectedCollection NumberCountyStateCountryLocality (verbatim)
UC1142049Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonOct 20 195819513United States Minor Outlying IslandsPalmyra Atoll.
UC1142401Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonSept 27 195412622Kwajalein AtollMarshall IslandsKwajalein Island, Kwajalein Atoll
UC1142402Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonSept 29 195413079Jaluit AtollMarshall IslandsKabenbock Island, Jaluit Atoll
UC1452372Agissea orientalisG. M. Smith1947-08-0847-160Marshall IslandsBikini Atoll, Bikini Island
UC1858833Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonJan. 25, 1940154-40SonoraMexicoBeam trawled off south shore of Isla Tiburon
UC1858834Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonFeb. 12, 1940560-40Baja CaliforniaMexicoBahia Aqua Verde
UC1858835Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonFebruary 12, 1946508SonoraMexicoEnsenada Bocochibampo
UC1858836Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonFebruary 12, 1946445SonoraMexicoEnsenada Bocochibampo
UC1858837Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonFeb. 12, 1946527SonoraMexicoRocky shore on south side of Bahia Bocahibampo
UC1858838Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonFebruary 13, 1946548SonoraMexicoPunta Colorado, near Guaymas
UC1858839Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonFedruary 17, 1946811SonoraMexicoIsla Patos, near Isla Tiburon
UC1858840Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonFeb. 20, 1946860Baja CaliforniaMexicoTide pools at Isla Jorge
UC1858841Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonNovember 7, 19463245Baja CaliforniaMexicoPunta Palmilla, near San Jose Del Cabo
UC1858842Agissea orientalisE. Yale Dawson and D. ForkDecember 20, 19463708NayaritMexicoMIra Mar Nayarit
UC1858843Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 11, 19496882Baja CaliforniaMexicoBahia de San Lucas
UC1858844Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 11, 19496856BBaja CaliforniaMexicoBahia de San Lucas
UC1858845Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 14, 19497029Baja California SurMexicoBahia San Gabriel, Isla Espiritu Santo
UC1858846Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 15, 19496939Baja California SurMexicoSan Lorenzo Channel, Between Isla Espiritu Santo and the mainland of Baja California
UC1858847Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 15, 19496939BBaja California SurMexicoSan Lorenzo Channel, between Isla Espiritu Santo and the mainland of Baja California
UC1858848Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 17, 19497242Baja CaliforniaMexicoBahia Aqua Verde
UC1858849Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 20, 19496997CampecheMexicoBahia Salinas, Isla Carmen
UC1858850Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMarch 24, 19497221SonoraMexicoEnsenada de San Francisco, Sonora vicinity of Puerto San Carlos
UC1858851Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonApril 18 195818988Baja California SurMexicoSW side of Isla San Francisco
UC1858852Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonApril 21 195818810Baja California SurMexicoN. W. end of Isla Monserrate
UC1858853Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonApril 32 195818674Baja California SurMexicoIsla Cholla, off Isla Carmen
UC1858854Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonApril 25 195818563SonoraMexicoLanding place at Isla San pedro Nolasco
UC1858855Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonJanuary 15, 1946338San DiegoCaliforniaUnited StatesLa Jolla, South side of La Jolla Bay
UC1858856Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonDec. 20-21, 19498606Baja CaliforniaMexico2 1/2 miles north of South Bluff Shore Station, Guadalupe Island
UC1858857Agissea orientalisR. Serene1949D. 11123Vietnam5 mi off CanDa from the vicinity of the institut Oceanographique de Nhatrang
UC1858858Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonJan. 23, 195011070VietnamOn canal fragments north of the laboratory. Vicinity of the Institut Oceanographique De Nhatrang
UC1858859Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonAug. 27, 19497977San DiegoCaliforniaUnited StatesCenter of Cortes Bank
UC1858860Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonAug. 27, 19497998San DiegoCaliforniaUnited StatesCenter of Cortes Bank, near the buoys
UC1858861Agissea orientalisW. R. TaylorJan. 5, 193462ColimaMexicoRevilla Gigedo Islands
UC1858862Agissea orientalisMaurice A. MachrisFeb. 18, 195716280EcuadorNarborough Island Opposite Tagus Cove, Galapagos Archipelago
UC1858863Agissea orientalisR. L. Moe19 Oct 197228Los AngelesCaliforniaUnited StatesPalos Verdes Point
UC1858864Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonDecember 30, 19485999Santa BarbaraCaliforniaUnited StatesSanta Cruz Island
UC1858865Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonDec. 19, 19498312Baja CaliforniaMexicoMelpomene Cove, Guadalupe Island.
UC1858866Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonDec. 18, 19498413Baja CaliforniaMexicoBay at South Anchorage off the village, Guadalupe Island
UC1858867Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonDec. 19, 19498457BBaja CaliforniaMexicoMelpomene Cove area, Guadalupe Island
UC1858868Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonDec. 20, 19498282Baja CaliforniaMexico1.6 mi. 060° from South Bluff, Guadalupe Island
UC1858869Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonMar. 4,19496524Baja CaliforniaMexicoIsla Cedros
UC1858870Agissea orientalisE. Yale DawsonDec. 1, 19485595Los AngelesCaliforniaUnited StatesSanta Catalina Island
UC1858871Agissea orientalisJ. Thomas Howell -oldAugust 1, 1932928Baja CaliforniaMexicoBetween Cedros Island and Mainland of Baja California
UC1858872Agissea orientalisW. R. TaylorMar. 13, 193939-35ColimaMexicoSulphur Bay, Clarion Island.
UC1858873Agissea orientalisW. R. TaylorMarch 16, '3939-27ColimaMexicoSulphur Bay, Clarion I.
UC1858874Agissea orientalisW. R. TaylorJan. 5, 193475ColimaMexicoRevilla Gigedo Islands
UC1858875Agissea orientalisW. R. TaylorJan. 2, 193440BColimaMexicoRevilla Gigedo Island
UC2058955Agissea orientalisW. R. TaylorJan 2 193440BColimaMexicoStation 132, Isla Soccoro, Revillagegido Archipelago
UC237017Agissea orientalisAlfred G. Mayor1920-06-121082Ma'OputasiEasternSamoaAua Reef
UC237019Agissea orientalisAlfred G. Mayor1920-07-001184WesternSamoaTutuila Island.

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