The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
University Herbarium
Jepson Herbarium
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Fungi (88917)
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Spermatophytes (524571)
misc (2)
Date Collected
Collection Number
Locality (verbatim)
Associated Taxa
Specimen ID
Please select
Null (no values)
A'ana (7)
Aberdeenshire (30)
Acaponeta (74)
Acapulco de Juarez (14)
Accomack (25)
Ada (44)
Adams (68)
Addison (18)
Agusan del Norte (7)
Aibonito (4)
Aiken (15)
Alachua (26)
Alamance (6)
Alameda (10507)
Alamosa (11)
Albany (74)
Albay (8)
Alessandria (6)
Aleutians East (5)
Aleutians West (209)
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Alger (8)
Allegheny (6)
Allen (4)
Alpes-Maritimes (158)
Alpine (3762)
Amador (2946)
Ambon (6)
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Ancona (5)
Anderson (17)
Anglesey (12)
Angus (59)
Anoka (10)
Anson (5)
Antrim (5)
Apache (119)
Aransas (22)
Archuleta (16)
Arecibo (8)
Argyll (5)
Arlington (4)
Aroostook (48)
Ashe (6)
Ashland (56)
Ashtabula (5)
Asotin (10)
Athens (9)
Atlantic (73)
Austin (28)
Austral Islands (56)
Avery (8)
Ayopaya (22)
Ba (159)
Baca (13)
Bagua (34)
Baker (32)
Baldwin (33)
Ballivian (19)
Baltimore (11)
Bandera (9)
Bandung Barat (4)
Banyuwangi (5)
Barnstable (1198)
Barron (5)
Bartow (9)
Basse-Terre (24)
Bastrop (13)
Bataan (80)
Baxter (4)
Bay (20)
Bayfield (5)
Baylor (7)
Beaufort (39)
Beaver (15)
Bedford (27)
Bell (6)
Belluno (4)
Benewah (4)
Bengkulu (4)
Bennington (24)
Benton (190)
Bergen (5)
Berkeley (66)
Berks (12)
Berkshire (23)
Bernalillo (72)
Bexar (31)
Bibb (10)
Biella (4)
Big Horn (10)
Biliran (77)
Bladen (6)
Blaine (48)
Blount (25)
Bogor (4)
Bohuslän (134)
Boise (68)
Bolzano-Alto Adige (11)
Bonaventure (5)
Bongara (45)
Bonner (21)
Bonneville (6)
Boone (33)
Bothwell (33)
Bottineau (4)
Bouches-du-Rhone (243)
Boulder (526)
Boundary (9)
Box Elder (15)
Bradford (9)
Bradley (8)
Brazos (27)
Bremer (26)
Brevard (89)
Brewster (143)
Bristol (102)
Brookings (23)
Brooks (5)
Brown (16)
Brunswick (17)
Bucks (8)
Bukittinggi (4)
Bulacan (6)
Buleleng (55)
Buncombe (37)
Burlington (35)
Burnet (5)
Burnie (4)
Butler (63)
Butte (10147)
Cabo Rojo (25)
Cache (15)
Caddo (6)
Caernarfonshire (25)
Cagayan (122)
Cagliari (17)
Calaveras (2877)
Calcasieu (4)
Caldwell (7)
Caledonia (43)
Calhoun (10)
Calvados (206)
Calvert (14)
Cambridgeshire (11)
Camden (21)
Cameron (284)
Campbell (11)
Candelaria (6)
Candler (7)
Canyon (8)
Cape May (12)
Capiz (14)
Carbon (43)
Carleton (7)
Carlton (8)
Carroll (28)
Carson City (4)
Carter (16)
Carteret (351)
Cass (48)
Cassia (5)
Catanduanes (31)
Catania (10)
Catron (14)
Cebu (71)
Cedar (10)
Celendin (11)
Central Coast Council (5)
Centre (27)
Chachapoyas (62)
Chaffee (4)
Champaign (23)
Charles (5)
Charleston (28)
Charlotte (10)
Charlton (12)
Chatham (7)
Cheboygan (63)
Chelan (296)
Cherokee (84)
Cherry (4)
Cheshire (34)
Chester (27)
Chippewa (11)
Chisago (13)
Chittenden (7)
Churchill (27)
Churubamba (5)
Cimarron (6)
Citrus (16)
City of Cockburn (118)
Clackamas (119)
Claiborne (4)
Clallam (1618)
Clark (482)
Clarke (14)
Clatsop (94)
Clay (29)
Clayton (10)
Clear Creek (65)
Clearwater (31)
Cleburne (48)
Clermont (6)
Cleveland (14)
Clinton (9)
Cochise (383)
Cocke (81)
Coconino (221)
Colfax (22)
Collier (29)
Colorado (7)
Columbia (50)
Colusa (2656)
Comal (16)
Comanche (18)
Como (30)
Comondu (896)
Compostela (36)
Conejos (70)
Contra Costa (12880)
Conway (17)
Cook (294)
Coos (1879)
Cornwall (72)
Cowlitz (10)
Crawford (11)
Crittenden (4)
Crook (33)
Culberson (35)
Cumberland (177)
Cuneo (7)
Curry (631)
Custer (99)
Dade (56)
Daggett (11)
Dakota (4)
Dallas (18)
Dane (41)
Dare (14)
Dauphin (6)
Davidson (17)
Davis (16)
Dawes (20)
DeKalb (82)
Decatur (9)
Deer Lodge (9)
Del Norte (4911)
Delaware (27)
Deloraine (74)
Delta (5)
Denali (24)
Denbighshire (8)
Denpasar (128)
Denver (9)
Derbyshire (40)
Deschutes (216)
Devon (97)
Devonshire (10)
Dickinson (25)
Dodge (17)
Dona Ana (37)
Door (5)
Dorset (131)
Douglas (396)
Down (4)
Dresden (118)
Drew (16)
Dubrovnik (38)
Duchesne (15)
Dukes (456)
Durham (10)
Duval (112)
Eagle (10)
East Baton Rouge (96)
East Falkland (34)
East Feliciana (26)
East Lothian (5)
Eastern Samar (87)
Eddy (31)
Edwards (6)
El Dorado (9083)
El Paso (103)
El Progreso (8)
Elko (114)
Ellis (9)
Elmore (31)
Emanuel (26)
Emery (31)
Emmet (26)
Ensenada (6804)
Erath (7)
Erie (11)
Escambia (8)
Esmeralda (146)
Esperance (317)
Essex (945)
Eureka (11)
Fairbanks North Star (25)
Fairfax (10)
Fairfield (557)
Fall River (5)
Fauquier (51)
Fayette (252)
Ferry (94)
Fife (17)
Fingal (14)
Finistere (277)
Flathead (138)
Florida (8)
Fokino (41)
Forsyth (46)
Franklin (162)
Frederick (8)
Fremont (70)
Fresno (11230)
Fulton (25)
Gadsden (12)
Gallatin (9)
Galveston (22)
Galway (113)
Garfield (82)
Garland (68)
Garrett (6)
Garut (49)
Gelendzhik (11)
Gem (35)
Genesee (6)
Genova (82)
George (28)
George Town Council (283)
Georgetown (18)
Gila (83)
Giles (286)
Gillespie (7)
Gilpin (9)
Glacier (112)
Glamorgan (10)
Glamorganshire (5)
Glenn (1718)
Gloucester (27)
Gloucestershire (18)
Gonzales (18)
Gorizia (15)
Gormanston (58)
Grafton (122)
Graham (49)
Grand (93)
Granite (7)
Grant (307)
Grays Harbor (210)
Grayson (10)
Greene (41)
Greenlee (18)
Greenville (63)
Greenwood (13)
Guanica (26)
Guaratuba (5)
Guayama (9)
Guayanilla (10)
Gunnison (86)
Habersham (43)
Halifax (5)
Hall (33)
Hamilton (559)
Hampden (5)
Hampshire (59)
Hancock (365)
Hanover (6)
Hardin (5)
Harney (176)
Harris (13)
Harrison (57)
Hartford (12)
Hawaii (329)
Hays (6)
Haywood (13)
Hemphill (8)
Henderson (62)
Hennepin (90)
Henry (15)
Herkimer (8)
Hernando (13)
Hidalgo (17)
Highland (44)
Highlands (45)
Hillsborough (20)
Hinsdale (9)
Hobart (30)
Hocking (36)
Honolulu (2508)
Hood River (62)
Hoonah-Angoon (6)
Hot Spring (108)
Houghton (5)
Houston (36)
Howard (5)
Huancabamba (24)
Huanuco (19)
Hubbard (15)
Hudspeth (10)
Huerfano (26)
Humboldt (21088)
Huntingdon (46)
Hvar (5)
Idaho (140)
Ille-et-Vilaine (82)
Ilocos Norte (194)
Ilocos Sur (68)
Imperia (13)
Imperial (1999)
Independence (14)
Indian River (16)
Ingham (6)
Inhaca Island (5)
Inverness-shire (7)
Inyo (13427)
Iowa (22)
Iron (27)
Isabela (9)
Island (873)
Isle of Wight (24)
Itasca (6)
Ixtlan (133)
Izard (35)
Jackson (757)
Jakarta Utara (16)
Jasper (25)
Jeff Davis (46)
Jefferson (1425)
Johnson (54)
Josephine (391)
Juab (5)
Juneau (20)
Juquila (33)
Kalamazoo (6)
Kane (73)
Kangaroo Island Council (650)
Karangasem (88)
Karlsruhe (125)
Kauai (468)
Kenai Peninsula (56)
Kendall (8)
Kenedy (16)
Kent (27)
Kentish (36)
Kern (13767)
Kerr (38)
Ketchikan Gateway (10)
Keweenaw (178)
Kholmskiy (7)
King (242)
Kings (403)
Kingston (8)
Kitsap (232)
Kittitas (320)
Klamath (199)
Kleberg (9)
Klickitat (144)
Knox (137)
Kodiak Island (159)
Komiza (10)
Koochiching (15)
Kootenai (12)
Korcula (8)
Koro (5)
Korsakovskiy (8)
Kosciusko (5)
Krk (32)
Kudat (8)
La Paz (2246)
La Plata (34)
La Salle (32)
La Spezia (7)
La Trinite (47)
La Union (72)
Lafayette (6)
Lafourche (8)
Lajas (14)
Lake (8606)
Lamoille (14)
Lampung Selatan (5)
Lancaster (78)
Lander (38)
Lane (359)
Laramie (7)
Larecaja (8)
Larimer (227)
Las Animas (17)
Lassen (6307)
Lastovo (8)
Latah (109)
Lawrence (26)
Le Flore (8)
Le Marin (12)
Lee (53)
Leelanau (9)
Leicestershire (6)
Leipzig (110)
Lemhi (85)
Leon (83)
Levy (7)
Lewis (62)
Lewis and Clark (8)
Liberty (16)
Lilydale (21)
Lincoln (1506)
Lincolnshire (6)
Linn (427)
Litchfield (30)
Livingston (26)
Livorno (13)
Llano (10)
Logan (16)
Longford (7)
Loreto (2196)
Los Angeles (29342)
Los Cabos (1943)
Loudoun (6)
Lucas (11)
Lucca (11)
Luna (14)
Lyon (38)
Ma'Oputasi (102)
Mackinac (16)
Macon (181)
Madera (3668)
Madison (67)
Makassar (63)
Malheur (51)
Manatee (12)
Manati (7)
Manche (434)
Marathon (9)
Maricao (14)
Maricopa (76)
Marin (16047)
Marinette (26)
Marion (383)
Mariposa (8253)
Marquesas Islands (33)
Marquette (14)
Marshall (29)
Mason (346)
Maui (526)
Mayaguez (20)
McCreary (5)
McCulloch (6)
McCurtain (17)
McDowell (29)
McKinley (12)
Meade (7)
Mecklenburg (5)
Menard (10)
Mendocino (12851)
Mentawai (5)
Merced (2403)
Mercer (5)
Merionethshire (19)
Merrimack (33)
Mesa (50)
Messina (23)
Mexicali (367)
Miahuatlan (42)
Miami (29)
Miami-Dade (416)
Middlesex (541)
Mifflin (15)
Milano (5)
Millard (15)
Miller (7)
Mineral (103)
Missoula (47)
Mitchell (45)
Mljet (5)
Mo'orea (18)
Mobile (18)
Modoc (7341)
Moffat (12)
Mohave (186)
Monmouth (24)
Mono (12751)
Monongalia (10)
Monroe (1341)
Monterey (20133)
Montezuma (43)
Montgomery (115)
Montrose (27)
Mora (5)
Morgan (7)
Morris (17)
Morrow (7)
Morton (7)
Mueang Phuket (13)
Mulege (26)
Mulegé (1449)
Multnomah (70)
Murmansk (5)
Murray (15)
Muskingum (29)
Nantucket (23)
Napa (7897)
Napoli (97)
Nassau (5)
Natchitoches (7)
Natrona (12)
Navajo (55)
Negros Oriental (245)
Nevada (5265)
Nevelskiy (9)
New Castle (5)
New Hanover (8)
New Haven (324)
New London (465)
New Norfolk (54)
New Territories (11)
New York (27)
Newport (181)
Newton (36)
Nez Perce (56)
Noble (6)
Nome (18)
Norfolk (306)
North Ayrshire (93)
North Slope (79)
Northampton (51)
Northumberland (42)
Novaya Zemlya (20)
Novorossiysk (6)
Nueces (39)
Nueva Vizcaya (10)
Nuoro (43)
Nye (98)
Oatlands (22)
Ocean (23)
Oconee (10)
Oconto (5)
Okanogan (272)
Oneida (21)
Onondaga (13)
Opatija (13)
Orange (4732)
Orangeburg (6)
Orebić (12)
Oriental Mindoro (98)
Orleans (9)
Ormsby (17)
Osceola (8)
Otero (47)
Otter Tail (8)
Overberg (15)
Owyhee (34)
Oxfordshire (8)
Pacific (171)
Padang (8)
Page (32)
Paget (47)
Palawan (394)
Palermo (15)
Palm Beach (222)
Palo Alto (5)
Pampanga (11)
Pandeglang (9)
Pangasinan (123)
Paranagua (6)
Park (100)
Parke (12)
Parma (9)
Pasco (10)
Payne (19)
Pecos (41)
Pembrokeshire (7)
Pend Oreille (16)
Pender (7)
Pendleton (16)
Penguin (20)
Pennington (18)
Penuelas (6)
Peoria (15)
Perry (20)
Pershing (6)
Perthshire (25)
Philadelphia (19)
Phillips (16)
Pickens (5)
Pierce (342)
Pike (23)
Pima (381)
Pinal (40)
Pinellas (75)
Pisa (5)
Piscataquis (5)
Pitkin (6)
Piute (6)
Placer (4520)
Plaquemines (17)
Platte (14)
Playas de Rosarito (56)
Plumas (7861)
Plymouth (169)
Pocahontas (26)
Pochutla (41)
Pointe-a-Pitre (7)
Polk (273)
Ponce (10)
Pontotoc (21)
Pope (8)
Porter (16)
Portland (18)
Potter (6)
Powell (8)
Prairie (6)
Preble (12)
Presidio (21)
Primorskiy (26)
Prince George's (27)
Prince William (5)
Prince of Wales-Hyder (12)
Providence (6)
Pueblo (5)
Pula (5)
Pulaski (36)
Putnam (28)
Pyrenees-Atlantiques (229)
Pyrenees-Orientales (197)
Queens (15)
Queenscliffe (177)
Quezon (47)
Quito (6)
Rabun (193)
Raiatea (11)
Raleigh (13)
Randolph (18)
Rappahannock (14)
Rarotonga (8)
Ravalli (12)
Real (6)
Refugio (12)
Rewa (92)
Richland (17)
Rijeka (8)
Riley (6)
Ringarooma (79)
Rio Arriba (10)
Rio Blanco (14)
Rio Grande (54)
Rioja (5)
Riverside (12944)
Rizal (46)
Roanoke (14)
Robertson (16)
Rockcastle (13)
Rockingham (40)
Roma (8)
Roseau (6)
Ross (13)
Routt (9)
Rovinj (47)
Rowan (5)
Russell Islands (11)
Rutland (14)
Sabine (5)
Sacramento (1655)
Saguache (13)
Sainte Genevieve (6)
Saipan (15)
Salem (12)
Salinas (17)
Saline (6)
Salt Lake (103)
Samar (59)
Sampson (5)
San Benito (3627)
San Bernardino (23144)
San Blas (33)
San Diego (20812)
San Francisco (5173)
San Ignacio (16)
San Joaquin (1789)
San Juan (2599)
San Lorenzo (14)
San Luis Obispo (16287)
San Mateo (6473)
San Miguel (78)
San Patricio (7)
San Pedro Lagunillas (8)
Sanders (7)
Sandoval (107)
Sandys (35)
Santa Barbara (17592)
Santa Clara (7477)
Santa Cruz (6479)
Santa Fe (50)
Santa Maria del Oro (28)
Sarasota (10)
Sarpy (10)
Sauk (26)
Savona (48)
Sawyer (8)
Scottsdale (16)
Seminole (245)
Seribu (54)
Severomorsk (7)
Sevier (133)
Shasta (8884)
Shelby (12)
Shenandoah (10)
Sheridan (14)
Sherman (15)
Shkotovskiy (36)
Shoshone (45)
Shropshire (60)
Sierra (3084)
Sioux (16)
Siquijor (92)
Siracusa (5)
Siskiyou (17419)
Sitka (90)
Skagit (358)
Skamania (132)
Smirnykhovskiy (7)
Smith's (138)
Smyth (7)
Snohomish (713)
Society Islands (180)
Socorro (33)
Sola de Vega (35)
Solano (3934)
Solta (6)
Somerset (22)
Sondrio (9)
Sonoma (12258)
South Cape (8)
South Tyrol (7)
Southampton (17)
Southeast Fairbanks (19)
Split (65)
Spokane (50)
Spring Bay (39)
St. Clair (18)
St. Francois (7)
St. George's (7)
St. Helena (5)
St. James (14)
St. Johns (61)
St. Landry (10)
St. Leonards (19)
St. Louis (51)
St. Martin (75)
St. Tammany (20)
Stanislaus (3462)
Stark (9)
Starke (7)
Starr (6)
Stevens (39)
Stokes (28)
Stone (13)
Storey (10)
Story (10)
Strafford (7)
Sublette (13)
Sud Yungas (5)
Suffolk (482)
Sullivan (7)
Sulu (17)
Summit (57)
Surrey (111)
Sussex (73)
Sutter (1329)
Swain (71)
Sweetwater (8)
Tabanan (109)
Tahiti (325)
Tallapoosa (12)
Taltal (7)
Tangipahoa (10)
Taos (39)
Tarma (36)
Tasman (8)
Tattnall (6)
Taylor (33)
Tazewell (15)
Tecate (237)
Tehama (6328)
Teller (11)
Tepic (53)
Teton (58)
Thalang (5)
Thurston (325)
Tijuana (231)
Tillamook (159)
Tippecanoe (14)
Tompkins (103)
Tooele (14)
Torbay (125)
Torrance (17)
Towns (41)
Transkei (9)
Transylvania (39)
Travis (91)
Treutlen (10)
Treviso (24)
Trieste (90)
Trinity (6948)
Trpanj (10)
Tuamotu Islands (11)
Tulare (10750)
Tuolumne (11942)
Tuscaloosa (13)
Twin Falls (5)
Tyler (10)
Ugu (7)
Uinta (6)
Uintah (26)
Ulster (11)
Umatilla (30)
Unicoi (20)
Union (119)
Unknown (147)
Upshur (6)
Urubamba (24)
Utah (41)
Utuado (6)
Uvalde (13)
Val Verde (16)
Valdez-Cordova (116)
Valdivia (26)
Valencia (16)
Valley (123)
Venezia (54)
Ventura (7447)
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola (13)
Vercelli (11)
Vermilion (17)
Vilas (21)
Villalba (12)
Vis (31)
Vladivostok (381)
Volusia (28)
Wake (13)
Wakulla (8)
Waldo (8)
Walker (15)
Walla Walla (9)
Wallowa (42)
Walton (8)
Waratah (12)
Warren (45)
Wasatch (9)
Wasco (72)
Washington (701)
Washoe (319)
Washtenaw (24)
Watauga (25)
Wayne (104)
Webb (6)
Weld (16)
West Coast (5)
West Feliciana (18)
Western (53)
Westmorland (32)
Whatcom (462)
Wheatland (34)
Wheeler (135)
White (57)
White Pine (62)
Whitley (5)
Whitman (111)
Wilkes (6)
Wilson (16)
Wiltshire (16)
Windham (56)
Windsor (9)
Windward Islands (38)
Winneshiek (10)
Winona (8)
Wolfe (31)
Wonosobo (12)
Wood (8)
Woodson (9)
Worcester (42)
Worcestershire (10)
Wrangell-Petersburg (146)
Yabucoa (13)
Yakima (82)
Yamhill (58)
Yancey (91)
Yavapai (90)
Yell (14)
Yellow Medicine (15)
Yolo (802)
York (101)
Yorkshire (70)
Yuba (1272)
Yukon-Koyukuk-fix2023 (12)
Yuma (49)
Zambales (13)
Zapata (5)
Zeehan (120)
iLembe (5)
Please select
Null (no values)
'Eua (2)
Aargau (6)
Aceh (6)
Acklins (5)
Acre (89)
Aden (3)
Ahuachapan (8)
Aichi (95)
Ailinglaplap Atoll (5)
Ailuk Atoll (2)
Airai (4)
Akershus (9)
Akita (6)
Alabama (453)
Alajuela (1691)
Aland (49)
Alaska (7070)
Alberta (408)
Alexandria (13)
Algiers (109)
Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine (6)
Alta Verapaz (96)
Alto Parana (10)
Amambay (9)
Amapa (12)
Amazonas (1977)
American Samoa (90)
Ancash (58)
Andalucia (8)
Anhui (30)
Anhwei (33)
Antioquia (533)
Antofagasta (20)
Antsiranana (31)
Anzoategui (25)
Aomori (385)
Aosta Valley (2)
Apulia (2)
Apure (3)
Apurimac (76)
Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes (262)
Aragua (135)
Araucania (3)
Arequipa (95)
Arica y Parinacota (5)
Arizona (3530)
Arkansas (646)
Arkhangelsk (65)
Arno Atoll (21)
Artemisa (55)
Artigas (2)
Aruba (59)
Arusha (4)
Asturias (16)
Atacama (17)
Atlantida (45)
Atua (3)
Auckland (90)
Aust-Agder (2)
Australian Capital Territory (48)
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (40)
Autonomous Region of Bougainville (2)
Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes (59)
Ayacucho (41)
Aysen (8)
Azores (12)
Azua (13)
Azuay (119)
Baden-Wurttemberg (258)
Bahia (313)
Baja California (17816)
Baja California Sur (12472)
Baja Verapaz (49)
Balearic Islands (11)
Bali (397)
Baluchistan (2)
Banaadir (3)
Bangsamoro (13)
Banten (21)
Barinas (44)
Bavaria (227)
Bay Islands (8)
Bay of Plenty (16)
Bayern (7)
Beijing (6)
Beirut (2)
Bejaia (5)
Belize (8)
Bengkulu (5)
Benguet (74)
Beni (24)
Berlin (173)
Bermuda (962)
Bern (32)
Berry Islands (33)
Bicol (93)
Bimini (69)
Bio Bio (2)
Biobio (62)
Blekinge (108)
Boa Vista (4)
Bocas del Toro (86)
Bogota (2)
Bohol (33)
Bohuslan (72)
Bolivar (644)
Bonaire (12)
Bourgogne-Franche-Comte (9)
Boyaca (58)
Brandenburg (74)
British Columbia (4175)
British Indian Ocean Territory (3)
Brittany (432)
Brussels (11)
Buenos Aires (52)
Burgenland (10)
Bushehr (9)
Buskerud (6)
Caaguazu (5)
Cagayan Valley (180)
Cajamarca (512)
Calabarzon (149)
Calabria (7)
California (508159)
Camaguey (94)
Campania (102)
Campeche (65)
Canal Zone (2)
Canar (38)
Canary Islands (479)
Canelones (3)
Canindeyu (6)
Cantabria (7)
Canterbury (142)
Cape Province (603)
Cape of Good Hope (71)
Capital Region (18)
Caqueta (2)
Carabobo (79)
Caraga (164)
Carchi (260)
Carinthia (13)
Cartago (334)
Cat Island (14)
Catalonia (5)
Catamarca (48)
Cauca (34)
Cayo (28)
Ceara (2)
Ceará (22)
Center (3)
Central (176)
Central Bohemian Region (8)
Central Eleuthera (5)
Central Java (14)
Central Luzon (108)
Central Sulawesi (13)
Central Visayas (426)
Centre-Val de Loire (10)
Chaco (4)
Chalatenango (18)
Chatham Islands (6)
Chiang Mai (27)
Chiangmai (22)
Chiapas (1004)
Chiba (224)
Chihuahua (586)
Chimaltenango (25)
Chimborazo (64)
Chinandega (12)
Chiquimula (9)
Chiriqui (509)
Choco (2)
Chonburi (3)
Chontales (23)
Christ Church (3)
Christmas Island (15)
Chubut (44)
Chuquisaca (137)
Chuuk (25)
Ciego de Avila (9)
Cienfuegos (14)
Ciudad de Buenos Aires (13)
Clare (43)
Coahuila (339)
Coast (119)
Cochabamba (1171)
Cocle (89)
Cocos Keeling Islands (9)
Colima (547)
Colon (76)
Colorado (2775)
Comayagua (22)
Concepcion (60)
Concepción (3)
Connecticut (1796)
Constantine (8)
Copan (11)
Coquimbo (88)
Cordillera (36)
Cordillera Administrative Region (27)
Cordoba (51)
Cork (9)
Cornwall (8)
Corrientes (136)
Corse-du-Sud (12)
Cortes (17)
Cotopaxi (155)
Crimea (11)
Cundinamarca (90)
Curacao (108)
Cuzco (677)
Dakar (9)
Dalarna (39)
Dalsland (47)
Dar es Salaam (8)
Darien (74)
Davao (35)
Delaware (43)
Dhofar (3)
District of Columbia (51)
Distrito Capital (5)
Distrito Federal (239)
Distrito Nacional (2)
Djibouti (10)
Dodoma (4)
Donegal (57)
Doukkala-Abda (2)
Drenthe (6)
Dublin (20)
Dubrovnik-Neretva (85)
Durango (555)
East (6)
East Grand Bahama (5)
East Java (21)
East Nusa Tenggara (3)
East Sepik (12)
East Sepik bad (4)
Eastern (115)
Eastern Cape (1078)
Eastern Highlands (13)
Eastern Visayas (215)
Ebon Atoll (7)
Ehime (24)
El Callao (2)
El Oro (4)
El Paraiso (2)
El Seibo (17)
Emilia-Romagna (24)
Enewetak Atoll (57)
England (804)
Entre Rios (18)
Erongo (3)
Escuintla (9)
Esmeraldas (246)
Espirito Santo (73)
Esteli (41)
Euskadi (2)
Exuma (66)
Falcon (133)
Falkland Islands (156)
Faroe Islands (143)
Federal Dependencies (45)
Fianarantsoa (20)
Finnmark (119)
Flevoland (2)
Florida (4903)
Francisco Morazan (73)
Free State (23)
Freeport (12)
Freiburg (2)
French Guiana (34)
French Polynesia (3448)
French Southern Territories (13)
French Southern and Antarctic Lands (9)
Fribourg (6)
Friesland (19)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia (102)
Fujian (609)
Fukuoka (21)
Fukushima (61)
Galapagos (1212)
Galicia (15)
Galway (123)
Gansu (16)
Gauteng (11)
Gavleborgs (7)
Gaza (14)
Gelderland (27)
Georgia (887)
Gibraltar (4)
Gilbert Islands (3)
Gisborne (6)
Goias (389)
Golestan (81)
Gorgan (5)
Gotland (74)
Granada (43)
Grand Casablanca (3)
Grand Est (11)
Grand Kru (4)
Grand Port (33)
Grand'Anse (57)
Grande Comore (9)
Graubunden (12)
Greater Accra (2)
Greenland (124)
Groningen (3)
Guadalcanal (110)
Guadeloupe (87)
Guaira (3)
Guam (767)
Guanacaste (286)
Guanajuato (56)
Guangdong (361)
Guangxi (41)
Guantanamo (37)
Guarico (16)
Guatemala (17)
Guayas (88)
Guernsey (4)
Guerrero (713)
Guizhou (66)
Guna Yala (7)
Hadramaut (4)
Haifa (4)
Hainan (625)
Halland (229)
Halsingland (18)
Hamadan (37)
Hamburg (31)
Hamilton (19)
Hardap (2)
Harjedalen (32)
Hauts-de-France (4)
Havana (68)
Hawaii (8182)
Hawke's Bay (7)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (4)
Hebei (23)
Hedmark (5)
Heredia (280)
Herrera (11)
Hesse (36)
Hessen (24)
Hidalgo (579)
Hiroshima (50)
Hokkaido (735)
Holguin (33)
Hong Kong (674)
Hordaland (150)
Hovedstaden (8)
Hradec Kralove (12)
Huancavelica (44)
Huanuco (312)
Hubei (86)
Huehuetenango (117)
Huila (32)
Hupeh (8)
Hyogo (27)
Ibaraki (16)
Ica (78)
Idaho (1531)
Ile-de-France (34)
Illinois (563)
Ilocos (509)
Imbabura (72)
Inagua (3)
Indiana (471)
Inhambane (4)
Iowa (638)
Iringa (26)
Isabela (12)
Ishikawa (27)
Isla de la Juventud (3)
Isle of Man (6)
Istria (73)
Itapua (2)
Iwate (34)
Izabal (29)
Izmir (11)
Izola (3)
Jakarta (74)
Jalapa (29)
Jalisco (977)
Jaluit Atoll (108)
Jamtland (107)
Jeju (29)
Jersey (61)
Jiangsu (86)
Jiangxi (29)
Johor (22)
Jonkoping (30)
Jujuy (82)
Junin (371)
Jutiapa (3)
Kagoshima (647)
Kalmar (13)
Kamchatka (8)
Kanagawa (366)
Kangwon (2)
Kansas (245)
Kansu (8)
Karas (2)
Karelia (81)
Karlovy Vary (7)
Karnataka (6)
Karnten (2)
Kedah (9)
Kelantan (11)
Kentucky (194)
Kerry (12)
Khabarovsk (11)
Khanh Hoa (19)
Kherson (2)
Khorasan (3)
Kilifi (70)
Kingston (2)
Kitaa (4)
Kochi (87)
Koper (9)
Kotor (2)
Krasnodar (22)
Kronobergs (8)
Kumamoto (149)
KwaZulu-Natal (913)
Kwajalein Atoll (85)
Kwale (15)
Kyoto (114)
La Altagracia (8)
La Araucania (5)
La Guajira (18)
La Habana (7)
La Libertad (88)
La Pampa (6)
La Paz (2252)
La Rioja (4)
La Union (6)
La Vega (195)
Labrador (20)
Lambayeque (42)
Lampung (13)
Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrenees (207)
Lapland (144)
Lara (10)
Las Villas (23)
Lazio (7)
Leningrad (2)
Leon (9)
Liberec (8)
Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins (26)
Liguria (169)
Lima (332)
Limburg (19)
Limon (523)
Limpopo (31)
Line Islands (4)
Loja (272)
Lombardia (48)
Loreto (481)
Los Lagos (56)
Los Rios (77)
Los Santos (4)
Louisiana (558)
Lower Austria (57)
Lower Juba (4)
Lower Saxony (12)
Lower Silesia (21)
Lublin (10)
Macau (4)
Madang (36)
Madeira (30)
Madre de Dios (117)
Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica (101)
Magdalena (49)
Maharashtra (3)
Maine (2343)
Majuro Atoll (57)
Makira-Ulawa (5)
Makkah (5)
Malacca (16)
Malaita (14)
Maldonado (13)
Malleco (38)
Maluku (91)
Manabi (39)
Manabí (4)
Managua (25)
Manawatu-Wanganui (10)
Manitoba (61)
Manus (52)
Maputo (24)
Maranhao (11)
Marche (8)
Maria Trinidad Sanchez (2)
Marlborough (6)
Martinique (86)
Maryland (248)
Massachusetts (4091)
Matagalpa (2)
Matanzas (90)
Mato Grosso (393)
Mato Grosso do Sul (5)
Maule (5)
Mayabeque (14)
Mayaguana (34)
Mayo (25)
Mazandaran (174)
Mbeya (9)
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (46)
Melaka (20)
Mendoza (3)
Merida (297)
Meta (22)
Metro Manila (75)
Metropolitana de Santiago (12)
Mexico (346)
Michigan (771)
Michoacan (641)
Michoacán (5)
Middlesex (5)
Mie (170)
Milne Bay (2)
Minas Gerais (736)
Minnesota (961)
Miranda (156)
Misiones (46)
Mississippi (222)
Missouri (446)
Miyagi (31)
Miyazaki (79)
Mjini Magharibi (6)
Mombasa (5)
Monagas (63)
Montana (1012)
Montevideo (19)
Moquegua (9)
Moravian-Silesian (9)
More og Romsdal (40)
Morelos (259)
Morobe (306)
Morogoro (8)
Morona Santiago (14)
Mpumalanga (22)
Murmansk (33)
Nagano (63)
Nagasaki (80)
Nampula (11)
Napo (35)
Nara (24)
Narino (146)
Nayarit (526)
Nebraska (384)
Negeri Sembilan (10)
Nelson (11)
Neuchatel (14)
Neuquen (2)
Nevada (2344)
New Brunswick (144)
New Caledonia (114)
New Hampshire (787)
New Jersey (518)
New Mexico (1240)
New Providence (62)
New South Wales (931)
New Taipei (2)
New York (1781)
Newfoundland (201)
Newfoundland and Labrador (341)
Niederosterreich (8)
Niedersachsen (31)
Niigata (52)
Nitra (6)
Njombe (6)
Nodwes (3)
Nord (16)
Nord-Ouest (3)
Nord-Pas-de-Calais (19)
Nord-Trondelag (9)
Nordland (42)
Norfolk Island (27)
Normandie (4)
Normandy (703)
Norrbotten (10)
Norrbottens (18)
Norrland (8)
Norte (3)
Norte de Santander (10)
North (159)
North Andros (6)
North Brabant (2)
North Carolina (2037)
North Central (3)
North Dakota (122)
North Holland (31)
North Maluku (27)
North Rhine (18)
North Sulawesi (6)
North Sumatra (18)
Northeast (2)
Northern (35)
Northern Cape (53)
Northern Mariana Islands (70)
Northern Mindanao (23)
Northern Territory (54)
Northland (261)
Northwest (7)
Northwest Territorie (6)
Northwest Territories (88)
Northwestern (2)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine (8)
Nova Scotia (117)
Nueva Esparta (179)
Nuevo Leon (378)
Nunavut (32)
Nusa Tenggara Barat (14)
Nyanza (2)
Nyland (64)
Oaxaca (2771)
Oberosterreich (17)
Occitania (6)
Occitanie (12)
Odessa (3)
Ohio (487)
Oita (25)
Okayama (4)
Okinawa (197)
Oklahoma (286)
Olancho (16)
Olomouc (4)
Ontario (1028)
Opole (7)
Oppland (15)
Oran (76)
Orebro (16)
Oregon (9492)
Oriental (9)
Oriente (94)
Osaka (41)
Oshima (4)
Ostergotland (50)
Ostfold (3)
Otago (55)
Ouest (15)
Overijssel (8)
Pahang (130)
Palmyra Atoll (31)
Pamplemousses (6)
Panama (175)
Pando (8)
Papua (123)
Papua Barat (29)
Para (251)
Paraguari (61)
Paraiba (17)
Paramaribo (8)
Parana (1151)
Paraná (31)
Paris (10)
Pasco (858)
Pastaza (19)
Pays de la Loire (47)
Pehang (2)
Peloponnese (3)
Pembroke (74)
Penang (21)
Pennsylvania (648)
Perak (7)
Pernambuco (49)
Peten (30)
Phang Nga (2)
Phetchaburi (2)
Phuket (18)
Piaui (3)
Pichincha (640)
Piedmont (57)
Pinar del Rio (122)
Pingtung (12)
Pinto (6)
Piran (32)
Pitcairn Islands (62)
Piura (166)
Pohnpei (62)
Polynesie Francaise (59)
Pomerania (16)
Pomeroon-Supenaam (4)
Port Louis (33)
Portland (27)
Porto (2)
Portuguesa (221)
Potosi (2)
Prachuap Khiri Khan (4)
Prague (24)
Presidente Hayes (4)
Presov (13)
Primorje-Gorski Kotar (69)
Primorskiy (3)
Primorsky (463)
Prince Edward Island (47)
Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur (429)
Puebla (712)
Puerto Rico (3460)
Puglia (5)
Puno (53)
Puntarenas (624)
Putumayo (4)
Pwani (2)
Quang Nam (3)
Quebec (935)
Queensland (1419)
Queretaro (4)
Quetzaltenango (86)
Quiche (6)
Quintana Roo (143)
Qusar (20)
Rabat-Sale-Zemmour-Zaer (8)
Ragged Island (15)
Rarotonga (112)
Red Sea (106)
Rennell and Bellona (2)
Retalhuleu (4)
Reunion (191)
Rheinland-Pfalz (2)
Rhineland-Palatinate (53)
Rhode Island (831)
Riau (24)
Rio Grande do Norte (12)
Rio Grande do Sul (82)
Rio Negro (78)
Rio de Janeiro (301)
Riviere du Rempart (9)
Rivière Noire (60)
Rodrigues (3)
Rogaland (26)
Rondonia (15)
Rongelap Atoll (57)
Roraima (23)
Ruvuma (4)
Sabah (358)
Sacatepequez (14)
Sachsen (2)
Saga (5)
Saint Andrew (12)
Saint Catherine (7)
Saint Elizabeth (3)
Saint Gallen (7)
Saint George (8)
Saint George Basseterre (2)
Saint Helena (53)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da C (30)
Saint James (5)
Saint Joseph (4)
Saint Lucy (2)
Saint Mary (8)
Saint Thomas (19)
Saitama (19)
Sakhalin (87)
Salta (88)
Salzburg (31)
San Andres y Providencia (10)
San Blas (44)
San Jose (589)
San Luis (4)
San Luis Potosi (531)
San Martin (331)
San Miguel (10)
San Pedro (70)
San Pedro de Macoris (6)
San Salvador (66)
San Vicente (6)
Sanaag (9)
Sangre Grande (3)
Santa Ana (40)
Santa Barbara (11)
Santa Catarina (460)
Santa Cruz (661)
Santa Elena (10)
Santa Fe (5)
Santa Rosa (11)
Santander (36)
Santiago (64)
Santiago Zamora (5)
Santiago de Cuba (68)
Santiago del Estero (5)
Santo Domingo (50)
Sao Paulo (362)
Sarawak (334)
Sardinia (111)
Saskatchewan (183)
Savai'i (87)
Savanne (27)
Saxony (303)
Saxony-Anhalt (47)
Scania (189)
Schleswig-Holstein (209)
Scotland (781)
Selangor (14)
Semnan (12)
Sergipe (4)
Sermersooq (8)
Sfax (3)
Shandong (159)
Shantung (20)
Shanxi (16)
Shiga (11)
Shimane (198)
Shizuoka (181)
Sichuan (89)
Sicilia (3)
Sicily (62)
Silesian (20)
Sinaloa (922)
Sindh (12)
Skane (105)
Smaland (65)
Smiths (122)
Sodermanland (51)
Sogn og Fjordane (5)
Sonora (3350)
Sor-Trondelag (30)
South (10)
South Australia (1648)
South Bohemian Region (8)
South Carolina (528)
South Dakota (146)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Isl (16)
South Holland (24)
South Sinai (28)
South Sulawesi (66)
South Tyrol (13)
Southern (54)
Southern Tagalog (4)
Southland (134)
Southwest (5)
Southwestern Tagalog (493)
Split-Dalmatia (126)
Stann Creek (17)
Steiermark (16)
Stockholm (80)
Styria (23)
Suchitepequez (4)
Sucre (193)
Suez (6)
Sulawesi Selatan (4)
Sulawesi Tengah (84)
Sulawesi Utara (27)
Sumatera Barat (13)
Sumatera Utara (3)
Surat Thani (5)
Surrey (15)
Svalbard (89)
Tabasco (58)
Tabuk (3)
Tachira (172)
Tacna (18)
Tacuarembo (5)
Taichung City (27)
Taiwan (110)
Tamaulipas (321)
Tamil Nadu (11)
Tanga (91)
Tanganyika (375)
Tangier-Tetouan (5)
Tangway ng Kasambuwangaan (3)
Taoyuan (3)
Taranaki (36)
Tarapaca (6)
Tarija (79)
Tasmania (2517)
Tehran (21)
Tel Aviv (3)
Temotu (3)
Tennessee (552)
Texas (2670)
Thua Thien-Hue (5)
Thurgau (3)
Thuringen (86)
Thuringia (23)
Tianjin (6)
Tibet (104)
Ticino (16)
Tierra del Fuego (129)
Tipaza (74)
Tirol (52)
Tlaxcala (27)
Toamasina (30)
Tobago (5)
Tocantins (28)
Tochigi (17)
Tokushima (23)
Tokyo (91)
Toledo (149)
Tongatapu (28)
Toscana (45)
Totonicapan (15)
Tottori (29)
Toyama (10)
Transvaal (20)
Trentino-Alto Adige (27)
Tripoli (12)
Troms (117)
Trujillo (459)
Tuamasaga (3)
Tucuman (102)
Tumbes (17)
Tungurahua (95)
Tunis (6)
Turks and Caicos Islands (38)
Tyrol (67)
Ucayali (3)
Unguja South (21)
Unknown (55)
Upolu (88)
Uppland (82)
Uppsala (63)
Usti nad Labem (3)
Utah (1452)
Utrecht (6)
Uusimaa (118)
Valais (36)
Valencian Community (10)
Valle del Cauca (3)
Valparaiso (181)
Vargas (91)
Varmland (39)
Vasterbotten (9)
Vastergotland (191)
Vastra Gotaland (599)
Vaud (34)
Vaupes (25)
Veneto (88)
Veracruz (2179)
Veraguas (218)
Vermont (366)
Vest-Agder (47)
Vestfold (8)
Victoria (1114)
Vienna (11)
Virgin Islands (British) (53)
Virgin Islands (United States) (201)
Virginia (833)
Vlaanderen (13)
Volta (6)
Vysocina (3)
Waikato (28)
Wakayama (84)
Wales (484)
Wallonia (37)
Warmia-Masuria (4)
Washington (13133)
Wellington (111)
West (4)
West Bengal (10)
West Coast (3)
West Falkland (3)
West Grand Bahama (15)
West Java (198)
West Nusa Tenggara (3)
West Papua (4)
West Pomeranian (17)
West Sepik (14)
West Sumatra (23)
West Virginia (318)
Western (98)
Western Australia (996)
Western Cape (1617)
Western Tobago (13)
Western Visayas (113)
Westfjords (4)
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Wien (28)
Wilaya de Bejaia (19)
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Xizang (67)
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Yamagata (9)
Yamaguchi (9)
Yangon (5)
Yap (80)
Yaracuy (192)
Yogyakarta (41)
Yoro (25)
Yucatan (253)
Yukon Territory (158)
Yunnan (643)
Zacapa (28)
Zacatecas (63)
Zadar (9)
Zaire (5)
Zamboanga Peninsula (69)
Zamora Chinchipe (26)
Zealand (200)
Zeeland (163)
Zelaya (4)
Zhejiang (115)
Zulia (92)
Zurich (39)
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Congo (448)
Congo DR (187)
Congo ROC (1)
Congo-Kinshasa (6)
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Cote d'Ivoire (115)
Croatia (730)
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Côte d'Ivoire (106)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (1)
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Faroe Islands (86)
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Formosa (5)
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Gabon (327)
Gambia (1)
Georgia (32)
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Ghana (97)
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Grenada (80)
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Guinea-Bissau (2)
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Kyrgyzstan (4)
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Lesotho (96)
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Libya (36)
Liechtenstein (2)
Lithuania (10)
Luxembourg (35)
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Madagascar (1190)
Malawi (1421)
Malaysia (4690)
Maldives (11)
Mali (1)
Malta (11)
Marshall Islands (816)
Martinique (163)
Mauritius (297)
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Micronesia (875)
Micronesia or Palau (77)
Monaco (3)
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Montenegro (17)
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Mozambique (388)
Myanmar (457)
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Netherlands Antilles (210)
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Nicaragua (1909)
Niger (1)
Nigeria (45)
Niue (46)
North Korea (11)
Norway (1973)
Oman (12)
Pakistan (195)
Palau (114)
Palestine (25)
Palestinian Territory (19)
Panama (4539)
Papua New Guinea (3678)
Paraguay (2834)
Peru (17173)
Philippines (11547)
Poland (622)
Portugal (463)
Republica Dominicana (596)
Romania (104)
Russia (1086)
Russian Federation (710)
Rwanda (76)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (24)
Saint Lucia (51)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (81)
Samoa (910)
Sao Tome and Principe (47)
Saudi Arabia (30)
Senegal (28)
Serbia (5)
Serbia and Montenegro (1)
Seychelles (133)
Sierra Leone (22)
Singapore (487)
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Slovenia (73)
Solomon Islands (596)
Somalia (64)
Somaliland (6)
South Africa (8435)
South Afrika (1)
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South Sudan (1)
Spain (946)
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Sudan (8)
Suriname (493)
Swaziland (17)
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Switzerland (1452)
Syria (22)
Taiwan (1707)
Tajikistan (2)
Tanzania (2103)
Thailand (453)
Thailand bad value (182)
The Bahamas (135)
Timor-Leste (2)
Togo (11)
Tonga (566)
Trinidad and Tobago (628)
Tunisia (189)
Turkey (192)
Turkmenistan (7)
Tuvalu (2)
Uganda (109)
Ukraine (46)
United Arab Emirates (3)
United Kingdom (6525)
United States (606564)
United States Minor Outlying Islands (354)
Unknown (383)
Uruguay (431)
Uzbekistan (21)
Vanuatu (176)
Venezuela (14518)
Viet Nam (515)
Vietnam (1767)
Western Sahara (1)
Western Samoa (52)
Yemen (22)
Yugoslavia (45)
Zambia (75)
Zhonghua (2348)
Zimbabwe (357)
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Current time: Mar 08 2025 19:03:34. This is version 6.7.1
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