1 item found.

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BerkeleyMapper 2.0 is a mapping interface for Collections (or other) Databases built on top of Google Maps. If your query results contain items with latitudes and longitudes, you may plot them using this sophisticated interface.

The Google Static Maps API lets you embed a Google Maps image on a web page (like this one) without requiring JavaScript or any dynamic page loading. The Static Maps API service creates your map based on URL parameters sent through a standard HTTP request and returns the map as an image you can copy and use in your own documents. This widget only plots the points selected on the first page of your search results, and at any rate the limit on the number of points plotted is about 100 due to limits on the length of URLs. If items in the first page do not have coordinates, they will not be plotted, of course! Click on the link below to see the map and get the embedabble link.

1. Select field to summarize on:

2. Select fields to include:

Sortable Museum Number
Museum Number
Object Type
Object Count
Count Note
Keeling Series Number
Collection Place (verbatim)
Object Name
Alternate Number
Ethnographic File Code
Context of Use
Collection Date
Production Date
Accession Number
Accession Date
Acquisition Date
Culture or Time period
Collection Place
Collection Place Elevation
Object CSID
Maker / Artist

3. Select action

will display in pane at right ->

limit is 30000 rows.

Current time: Dec 03 2024 03:04:22. This is version 6.7.1 Committed to accessibility, nondiscrimination & privacy